Chapter 1487 She Is In Heat:>>13
- When you add it all up and take a look at it, a lot of life - my life, anyway - is fairly boring. When you're a kid, a lot of your free time is taken up by school and doing or avoiding homework. When you're an adult, most of your time is taken up by just work. And then there's also a ton of hours when you have to sleep, plus a helluva lot of time doing things you'd rather not: Taxes, commuting, going to the DMV, doing a private search online to find out if being attracted to a close relative is a sign of neurological disorder...
- Anyway, the point is, I'm still surprised by how extreme the interesting parts of my life have been compared to the boring parts. And by "interesting," yes, I mean the parts that involve me having mind-blowing sex. I am a fairly normal person, on average. I don't drink too much, I don't really do drugs, I like the work that I do, but the work that I do generally involves me sitting quietly in a room with a calculator. It's not very glamorous. And yet, despite my rather boring life, this story ends in a threesome. That still surprises me. It surprised me at the time, and looking back on it now I can scarcely believe it happened. Or, for that matter, what happened afterward.
- Please understand that this is not me bragging. This is me trying to make sense of the weird journey my life has taken. Weird, but not altogether unpleasant.